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The Weasley Clock Project, Step 9: Artistic Design

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Magic IRL Weasley Clock Project Servos Arduino Raspberry Pi Weasley Clock
Ravenclaw, Engineer, Builder, Programmer
Table of Contents
Weasley Clock Project - This article is part of a series.
Part 10: This Article


  • Like movie, but make it my own
  • Bring in Elements from Books and Movies
  • Make it whimsical and reminiscent of the Wizarding World

Clock Face

Clock Face
Clock Face

I could have recreated the clock face from the Weasley Clock in the movies like many others have done but I wanted it to be my own. I did, however, bring in a few of the locations featured on the Weasley’s Clock. The face was designed in Photoshop Elements and sent out to Staples to print large 1 to 1 scale. I then decopaged it to a circle cutout piece of 3/4 inch plywood. The font is the basic Harry Potter font available online.

Locations from Movie My Locations My Definition
Mortal Peril Mortal Peril Wal-Mart, but threatened daughters that it would be boyfriend’s homes.
Quidditch Quidditch City Parks
Work Work
Theatre Local playhouses. My daughters were in a lot of productions.
In Transit Traveling Nearby but not in another area.
Lost Lost Not nearby.
School School
Holidays Holiday Off on holiday (or vacation) somewhere
Church Our church meeting house.
Treasure Hunting Local thrift store and dollar store.
Home Home
Dentist St. Mungo’s Hospital, Doctor’s Office, and Dentist’s Office

Clock Hands

Clock Hands
Clock Hands

The position hands represent each member of my family by their Hogwarts House. The hand is also a silhouette of our wand’s.

House Wand Silhouette
Ravenclaw Neville’s Wand
Hufflepuff Padma’s Wand
Gryffindor Hermione’s Wand
Slytherin Luna’s Wand

The time hands are made to look like the hands of Hogwart’s Clock Tower for the Hour and Minute hands. The Second Hand is the Golden Snitch, 3D printed with transparent filement to allow it to look like it is flying around.

Calibration Button Plate

Calibration Button Plate
Calibration Button Plate

The reason for the Calibration Button Plate is discussed further in this series of articles. The plate was 3D printed with raised lettering using the Harry Potter font. The letters were then painted gold.

Weasley Clock Project - This article is part of a series.
Part 10: This Article