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The chronicle of our many adventures.


Hogwarts Express Food Trolley Signs
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Magic IRL Hogwarts Express Food Trolley 3D Printing DIY
Here are all of the 3D Printing files for the Hogwarts Express Food Trolley we made.
Ollivander's Wand Core Jars
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Magic IRL Craft Wands DIY
DIY Ollivander’s Wand Core Jars
Honeydukes Chocolate Bar
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Magic IRL Hogwarts Express Trolley Craft Candy Props DIY
DIY Honeydukes Prop Chocolate Bar
Sorting Hat Scratch-Off Cards
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Magic IRL Harry Potter Party Craft Sorting
Quick sorting hat party favors.


The Weasley Clock Project, Step 9: Artistic Design
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Magic IRL Weasley Clock Project Servos Arduino Raspberry Pi Weasley Clock
Make it like the Weasley’s Clock but make it our own.
The Weasley Clock Project, Step 8: Cable Management
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Magic IRL Weasley Clock Project Servos Arduino Raspberry Pi Weasley Clock
Devil’s Snare is deadly fun… All those wires need to go somewhere.
The Weasley Clock Project, Step 7: 3D Printing
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Magic IRL Weasley Clock Project Servos Arduino Raspberry Pi Weasley Clock
This project would have been a lot harder without a 3D printer.
The Weasley Clock Project, Step 6: Making It Fit
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Magic IRL Weasley Clock Project Servos Arduino Raspberry Pi Weasley Clock
It was difficult to fit all of the servos, gears, clock hands, arduinos, and the Raspberry Pi into the clock.
The Weasley Clock Project, Step 5: Positioning the Servos
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Magic IRL Weasley Clock Project Servos Clock Mechanisms Gears Gear Ratio
All of the servos needed to fit behind the clock face and still be able to drive the clock hands.
The Weasley Clock Project, Step 4: Controlling the Servos
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Magic IRL Weasley Clock Project Servos Ada Fruit Servo Hat Raspberry Pi Arduino Arduino Due Arduino Nano
Controlling the Servos