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The Weasley Clock Project, Step 1: Tutorials

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Magic IRL Weasley Clock Project Instructables Tutorials
Ravenclaw, Engineer, Builder, Programmer
Table of Contents
Weasley Clock Project - This article is part of a series.
Part 2: This Article

Where to Start?

How do I even start to create a clock that can tell my family’s whereabouts. I started Googling found several variations on Instructables. The tutorial that helped me the most was “Build Your Own “Weasley” Location Clock!” by ppeters0502.

In his tutorial it helped me get started but I did add and change quite a bit. The main points that I kept are that I used servos to control the hands (except not the same ones he chose) and I followed most of the steps to connect the clock to my family’s phones. I’ll quote him more when I get to those steps.

Main Tutorial

Other Tutorials

Other tutorial that helped and may offer simpler solutions include:

Weasley Clock Project - This article is part of a series.
Part 2: This Article